I try to avoid getting crazed with the counting and instead be more in the moment and focus on the beauty of the season. It's my favorite. With the cooler weather comes the changing colors of the trees, making morning walks so much more pleasant. It's the season of stocking the larder, with flours for baking and dried beans for soups, in preparation for the winter ahead. The local apple orchards open their stands, with gorgeous fruits begging to be made into pies and applesauce. Pumpkins start appearing everywhere, and many find their way home with me.
Some counting is fun counting. This time of year I like to peruse cookbooks and "country wisdom" books, and often read through Thomas Tusser's "A hundredth good pointes of husbandrie" and sometimes his 500 points,** as well as other writing about the country year. The old folklore is mostly amusing, but sometimes there is some wisdom to be found.
Other seasonal counting rituals I indulge in is making counted cross stitch ornaments. Each year I try to make at least one of a series of Santa ornaments, and if I have time I'll make Halloween ornaments as well. Which brings me to these really sweet counting pins.
*Local folklore says that lots of acorns on the ground means a cold, wet winter. Everyone keeps mentioning the abundance of acorns on the ground this year. We shall see.
**Thomas Tusser was an English farmer and poet from the early 1500's. His poems on farming and the country year are the source of many well-known proverbs, including "At Christmas play and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year," and "A fool and his money are soon parted." Both his Hundreth and 500 Points are available online for free.