I hadn't been out for a walk in some time and was struck by the changes in the neighborhood. What had been lush, green pastures were now dusty and brown. The creek was totally dry, and the little lake (okay, it's really more of a pond) that my route takes me around had receded significantly.
It really made me long for cooler weather and that rare thing called rain, which we haven't seen in these parts in ages. Here are a few shots from a previous walk, taken on an overcast, drizzly morning a couple of months ago. My regular route is about a 4-mile loop through the neighborhood. There are a couple of steep hills which provide a good workout, and always something interesting to see.
The neighbors right across the street have two charming horses. One came trotting over to see if there was anything interesting.
"Carrots? Anything? You got nothing? How sad for me."
Oak galls. These are what black ink was made from back in the old days. There are recipes floating around on the Internet; one of these days I may try to make some.
Mistletoe. It's an invasive species in this area.
Down the road, a neighbor's front yard erupts in wild poppies.
Poppy close-up.
Coyote art imitates life.
An exuberantly decorated bird house.
Reflections in the little lake (pond).
Every self-respecting pond needs ducks.
The trail not taken. This trail winds through the woods to another, much larger lake. It's a loooooooong walk. One of these days.
Cat surveillance.
Hard to see, but in the middle of the picture is a blue heron. (Click on the picture to embiggen.)
There he goes.
A little stone bridge covered in moss -- or is it lichen? Gotta look that up.
Up the final hill to home, a more sedate bird house.